Thursday, July 07, 2005


Today is a weird kinda day. My brain is experiencing a bit of ADD so I'm just gonna roll with it.

It's all cloudy and cool outside, which is totally awesome. But for some reason, last night I didn't sleep well AT ALL. I kept waking up thinking I was oversleeping and that my computer was getting too hot or that my phone was ringing or something. It was very odd. And then there were the dreams. I had very bizarre dreams last night.

I wish I understood the human brain a bit more. I'd like to know what those crazy dreams meant.

I also wish I understood men more. What drives them? What makes them tick? Is it actually possible to find a man that appreciates me more for my mind than my body? I don't know. But that's what most of my dreams seemed to be about. Me trying to prove something to people when in reality I have nothing to prove.

I wish I knew without a doubt if it is possible to intellectualize relationships in order to keep them in check. It'd be nice to be able to compartmentalize things in such a way as to protect one's heart.

You know, I think I'm actually kinda disappointed in the new Weezer album. It's nothing like what they've done before and it's a bit irritating.

I'm still fighting that urge to move home. I miss home. I miss Jack. I miss having a fucking car. I miss the work I used to do. I miss the security of "normalcy".

Dallas is a weird city. It's nothing like what I expected yet it's more than I hoped for at the same time.

In a perfect world I'd just go back to bed right now and pretend like this day didn't start this way. But it's not a perfect world and London is on fire and everything seems kind of bleak. So I guess I'll just drag myself out of bed, smoke a cigarette, take a shower, and go take my math test. 'Cuz that's how I roll...

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