Monday, November 07, 2005

"Ah, breathtaking! It's like somebody slaughtered an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog!"

Anthony told me today the he read an article somewhere that said Abercrombie & Fitch is pulling a line of t-shirts because teenage girls across the nation have been boycotting the company due to the messages on the shirts.

The messages range in "offensiveness" from "Who needs brains when you have these?"* to "Blondes are Adored, Brunettes are Ignored" written across the chest. And don't forget the "Available for Parties" shirt or the "Freshman 15" with a list of boys names. The most lame one to be pulled was the "I had a Nightmare...I was a Brunette" shirt.

Do these kids not have enough homework to do or something? Hobbies? Sports? It strikes me as odd and irritating that 14-year-olds are able to censor a company like A&F. Me thinks that perhaps the shirts just weren't selling well, for whatever reason, which is the "real" reason why the shirts were pulled. I seriously doubt some mostly prepubescent kids were able to bring down an entire line of t-shirts from this company.

Also? Rather than calling it a "boycott" these 14-year-old punks are calling it a "girlcott".

I think everybody probably has a "cause" throughout their lives. It may change over time due to experience or, I don't know, the use of thought and reason or something, but the fact remains that most people believe in some things strongly enough to fight for it/them.

I guess I have just never been able to understand why people try to changes things they don't agree with and disallow other people from having the option to make up their own minds. And HOW IN THE HELL did a bunch of 14-year-olds get to decide what IS and IS NOT right for me to spend my money on?

I don't know. I guess I just have a problem with A) having my choices taken away; and B) that it's a bunch of kids that got them taken away. Now granted, these are just's not like they were able to have abortion made illegal or they made it an offense for women to work outside the home. But the fact is that these kids are the people that are one day going to be running this country and I think it's HIGH TIME we get our t-shirts back!!

*I have GOT to get that shirt. That baby ranks right up there with the "Math is Hard" shirt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... big question is "How in the hell do lil kids get the money to shop at A&F ????