Tuesday, December 13, 2005


That's what my roommate calls Inara. "Eye-Nair-Uh." Hahahahahahaha.

So the most recent White Board Of Doom drama was an instruction to me to please do my dishes and throw out any of my old food from the fridge. The White Board of Doom continued by saying that the reason there were so many dishes was because our other roommate, Stacy, left for Taiwan last week and left a bunch of dishes that she didn't have time to wash. She asked Ashley to wash hers in her stead.

Okay, so here's the thing. The sink has been overflowing with dishes since last Tuesday. I had a bowl and a plate in the sink from Friday. Oh, and a fork. I wasn't home all weekend which is why I didn't wash my stuff but I was planning on doing it on Sunday night when I got home. But when I got home that message was on the board so I didn't wash them - mostly because I'm childish sometimes. When I got home from work on Monday all of the dishes had been done so I guess it wasn't as important for me to wash those three things as she thought. (And why can't we just use the dishwasher? I can't remember why we have that particular rule.)

As far as the "food in the fridge" is concerned, I had a little pizza box which, oddly enough, contained...um...pizza, left-over from Two Rows from a week ago. I actually had forgotten it was there which is unfortunate because HOLY CRAP was it good pizza.

Anyway, I'm just going to hold on to my knowledge of the "proper" way to pronounce "Eye-Nair-Uh" for two reasons: 1) it makes me laugh a lot in my head every time she says it; and 2) there will come a day when I'll get so frustrated with her I'll be able to yell, "IT'S INARA!"

Ah, good times.

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