Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More Drama

I dropped the class today. I had to go see my advisor in order to do it because internet drop/add has already closed. She asked me why I wanted to drop the class and I just said that I found a different class to take - which is totally true. I didn't really feel like going into the whole plaigarism thing with her.

As she was dropping me from the course she looked up my grades from previous semesters and she was curious as to why that prof gave me a C- last semester. She said he gave me one point above a D and thought that was odd considering my previous GPA's. So I told her what happened last semester and she checked with Judicial Affairs to ensure I had been cleared and then she said she was going to look into his reasoning behind my grade. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

I was able to get a full refund on my books and that class, though, so that's awesome.


dangermama said...

sounds like you have a good advisor... and yay - money back for books

Anonymous said...

Good move.

SerenitySprings said...

Yeah, that's what everybody is saying. I'm reminded of a conversation I had with a prof several years ago. I got a C in Geography (I think it was a C...it might've been a D...it's been awhile) and he asked me if I was going to retake the class. He said it wasn't required that I retake it and if I was "comfortable with mediocrity" then I shouldn't. I've never forgotten that conversation and so I guess that's why I wanted to take a class offered by this prof again. If only he wasn't about to lose his job...

lunchstealer said...

Yeah, sometimes getting right back in the saddle isn't so great. A crappy horse might just be a crappy horse.