Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dumbest Comment EVAR

Geraldo Rivera remarking on the Duke Lacrosse rape situation:

"You know, it's not always the nuns getting raped. Sometimes it's the strippers who get raped."


Anonymous said...

it seems that the chair to the face did more damage than just breaking his nose. this man has a show and i don't?


Anonymous said...

I actually think that it's an insightful comment. There seems to be the idea out there that a woman has to be the paragon of purity and virtue to be raped. Otherwise, she was asking for it or she's lying about what happened. But no, strippers and prostitutes *can* be raped. Every woman has the right to say "no" no matter how morally distasteful someone might find her profession.

SerenitySprings said...

I agree, Renee. But I still think it's offensive because if somebody honestly thinks they have to point out that every kind of woman in every kind of profession has the potential of being raped, then that someone is a dumbass. I was insulted that he really thought he needed to point that out.

Plus, he didn't have anything else to say and it appeared to me that he was just trying to sound open minded and, well, he's ridiculous.