Monday, February 06, 2006

Message from GoodDog

SS --

It was a bigger deal than we thought it was going to be. I had 3 stents put into my heart arteries and will have a 4th stent put in in a week to 10 days from now.

The scary part was that my heart stopped, twice. Not on purpose, either. I was brought back with a defibulator, twice.

For those of you into "NDE", sorry, I must have gone off into a cul de sac along the way - no white light or tunnel for me. Probably not my karma to go to that place anyway.

I woke up in the ICU with more wires and tubes running into me than a Borg. Surprisingly, I swam out of the fog fairly quickly and wasn't feeling too bad. I did find a definite advantage to having a urinary catheter while drinking a super jug of ice water while watching SG-1, SG-A, and BSG laying in that ICU bed. Then, my cardiologist came in this morning, filled me in on the gory details, and paroled me on the spot. I'm now home and feeling actually pretty good. The groin incision looks like the New Orleans cops had an ax handle party with me, but besides that, not too bad. I am now also an ex-smoker (33 hours and counting). 34 years smoking, 33 hours not, but I've had a Jimmy-Stewart-It's-a-Wonderful-Life bona fide second chance presented to me, and I'm not going to fuck it up.


-- Gooddog

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