Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I checked the various news websites that I usually check when I wake up for the newest news of the day and this morning, I must say, all of the election coverage is quite impressive.

- Yay for Democrats gaining control of the House!
- Yay for Democrats (maybe) gaining control of the Senate!
- Yay for Nanci Pelosi getting the opportunity to be the first Madame Speaker of the House!
- Yay for being able to see through the Administration's "olive branch" to the House!
- Boo for that wife-beating guy for possibly getting the chance to spread bigotry across the land (or at least in Virginia...)*
- Boo to Tom DeLay for saying, "Democrats didn't win, the Republicans lost." Sour grapes, anyone?
- Boo to Texas and California for failing to elect new governors.
- Best of all, YAY! DOUBLE YAY! ALL THE YAYS IN THE UNIVERSE go to South Dakota for rejecting a ban on abortion!

Honorable mention boos go to Wisconsin, Idaho, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia (for passing gay marriage bans - more states will probably pass similar bans but these are the only states with official results); Arizona (for making English the official state language); and Nevada and Colorado (for failing to decriminilize possession of one ounce of marijuana for people twenty-one and older.)

Honorable mention yays go to Rhode Island (for possibly reinstating voting rights to felons on parole or probation); Arizona, Missouri, Montana, Nevada and Ohio (for increasing the minimum wage - again, more states probably did this as well, however, official results are yet to be announced); and Maine, Nebraska and Oregon (for possibly passing a measure that would cap state spending.)

But what I don't understand is how every major news source website I checked still had the fact that Britney Spears filed for divorce from K-Fed yesterday.**

* I honestly have no idea if this guy is a wife-beater. I mostly just wanted a chance to give a shout-out to David's brother's blog entries on the subject.

** And OhioDave too.


Anonymous said...

I'm too lazy/your list was so complete-I'm stealing it and amending my choices.

Yay for Democrats gaining control of the House!

Boo for Democrats (probably) gaining control of the Senate! A split Congress would have served the nation better.

Yay for Nanci Pelosi getting the opportunity to be the first Madame Speaker of the House! Boo for the fact that the first one will be Nanci Pelosi-her smile scares me.

Yay for the two parties being forced to work with each other.

Slight yay to Tom DeLay, "Democrats didn't win, the Republicans lost." More true than most would say.

Boo to Texas for failing to elect a new governor. Kinky still rocks!

Honorable Mention:

Yays or Boos go to Wisconsin, Idaho, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia for passing gay marriage bans. To be honest the wording counts and I haven't had a chance to read each one individually.

Yay to Arizona (for making English the official state language)

Boo to Nevada and Colorado (for failing to decriminilize possession of one ounce of marijuana for people twenty-one and older.)

Boos to Rhode Island (for possibly reinstating voting rights to felons on parole or probation); Arizona, Missouri, Montana, Nevada and Ohio (for increasing the minimum wage - again) [Preemptive boo to the Congress]

Big Yay to Maine, Nebraska and Oregon (for possibly passing a measure that would cap state spending.)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Colorado didn't really go the way I wanted it to...except for the fact that we'll have a Democrat for gov.
Weird how that works out...